Beautiful and complicated craftsmanship

Each piece of our beautiful round pendants are handmade in Denmark by using a fine crochet technique, made of yarn imported from France, covering a solid wooden ball.

Each pendant takes about 2 hours to produce and requires a high level of skills, accuracy and patience! 

To give you an idea of the delicacy of our products, the needle used to crochet these pendants is 0,6 mm thin. Using such a thin needle requires many years of practice and high level of skills.

Crochet in its original delicate form is often associated with old fashioned decorative objects, like white table cloths and other home decors. 
We are using this traditional handcraft in a contemporary way, aiming to let you see the beauty of true craftsmanship in a modern way!

The clean surface of our pendants and the carefully selected color combinations, truly emphasize our roots in Danish design traditions.
By using traditional crochet technique to create new and modern products, we strive to keep and pass-on this craftsmanship to future generations.  


When you place an order on we will begin the process of making your own personal WE LOVE JEWELLERY.
We want to honour the element of sustainability and slowfashion and therefore we dont keep stock on any items.

Each order vill be handled within 5-15 workdays.